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I believe that you
can be anything
you set your mind to.
If you can think it,
you can achieve it.
I am proof.
Awards & Recognitions
  • 2016 - Top Female Executive Award for Excellence in Sustainable Development from the International Women’s Leadership Association (IWLA) Award for outstanding professional excellence and dedication 


  • 2014 - International Delegate Award from the International Women’s Leadership Association (IWLA) Award 

  • 2014 - Featured Leader Award, representing Non-Profit Organization Management from the International Women’s Leadership Association (IWLA) Award  

  • 2012 - The Woman of Outstanding Leadership Award from the International Women’s Leadership Association (IWLA) 

  • 2012 - Mentor Appreciation Award from the UCSB Alumni Association Award in honor of contribution and service to UCSB students and outreach 


  •  2011 - Mentor Appreciation Award from the UCSB Alumni Association Award in honor of contribution and service to UCSB students and outreach  


Life is an adventure that leads us towards our true purpose.

My Story:


I believe that the sky’s the limit and that you can move forward towards your goals while learning how to accept and appreciate yourself as you are.


My personal journey is proof that no matter how challenging circumstances around you can be, there’s always a way to create a life that reflects your true values.


As a child, I was extensively bullied every day in school for being multi-cultural, speaking another language at home and "looking" different from the other kids in my class. Every day I would come home defeated and upset. And each day, my mother would work with me to build my self-esteem back up and help me find the courage to return to school the next day with my head held high, ready to face another day in that negative environment. The more I was treated poorly and excluded by my peers, the harder I worked academically. I excelled at school but I was very lonely and this left me with the sense of "never quite fitting in". Although I had more opportunities for healthy friendships as I got older, it wasn't until I went to Italy to study abroad at age 20, that something significant changed for me.


Even though I wasn't familiar with the culture, couldn't speak the language and didn't know anyone in Italy, I had the immediate sense of belonging. The experience allowed me a safe space to "become me" and develop into the person that I liked being. I thrived in that sense of being myself and truly growing to my full potential without interruption and distraction. Today, I consider that opportunity a true gift because it allowed me to separate myself from the previous experiences that were inhibiting me from developing areas of myself and provided me the chance to explore my passions and become who I wanted to be.


I lived abroad for most my education, studied architecture, learned multiple languages and continued expanding my cultural understanding and communication skills. I volunteered to build an affordable home with Habitat for Humanity, immediately followed by a unique opportunity to study abroad in Cuba.


After living abroad for years, I returned to my hometown of Santa Barbara, California with a master's degree in architecture and urban design, and a wide variety of international work experience including community development, teaching languages and life appreciation courses, and leading leadership and mentorship programs.


With this collection of knowledge, I founded a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization called Worldhealer which focuses on sustainable community development and youth empowerment. The purpose is to inspire participants to take action towards the great things that they want to experience in life with a positive and open-minded attitude. The programs encourage respect and understanding of the world, its people, cultures and current events.


Worldhealer was the culmination of all my acquired passions and skills and helped me begin laying the foundation for Change Maker.


Change Maker offers a variety of development programs that are designed as one-on-one self-discovery sessions with individuals who are seeking a mentor and champion that can inspire forward movement toward an authentic, joyful life.


I am dedicated to helping people find their soul purpose and follow their unique path.


Together, we can move you through life or career challenges with more ease. I’ll be alongside you every step of the way, as you embark on the changes you have long sought to make.


My Degrees and Credentials:


IFC Accredited Life Coach Training Certificate, Life Coach Institute of Orange County, California, 2017. Intensive Certification Program in the theories and fundamentals of coaching, marketing and business practices with emphasis in International Coach Federation core coaching competencies.


Master of Architecture (MARCHII), Syracuse University (Firenze Campus), Firenze, Italy, 2007. Emphasis in Urban Design and Planning.


Bachelor of Architecture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California, 1999. Emphasis in Architecture and Urban Design.


Get my support as you navigate the shifting tides of your life.

I'll map out your ideal career and hand you the step-by-step plan to get there.

I'll be your champion as you make the transition into adulthood.
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